DC Charter Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association has a long and distinguished history. It was chartered in April 1960 by the ABWA National Office located in Kansas City, Missouri. Over the years the Chapter has worked diligently to honor and carry out the ABWA mission, striving always to recognize and advance the personal and professional development of women in the workplace. About 15 years ago, we initiated our holiday celebration as a Christmas prayer breakfast -- a time for reflection and thanksgiving. It is now called a holiday breakfast to embrace all who celebrate during the Christmas season. This tradition has served us well, providing a renewed commitment to further the goals and objectives of ABWA and DC Charter Chapter. It has strengthened our bond and enabled us to excel in many ways.

Leadership training is at the core of our professional development. ABWA recognizes member achievement in various ways at the national, regional, and local levels. In addition to rewards for membership recruitment, members are exposed to scholarships, conferences and workshops for their personal and professional development. They are elected by their peers to positions of leadership where they can practice their skills and grow to mentor others. Our 2020 Woman of the Year is Angela Williams, and our 2020 Protégé award was presented to Kia Warner. Some of our members have distinguished themselves through the ABWA Inner Circle -Antonell Aikens-Thompson, Agnes Griffin, Emily Fern, Mary Lou Shippe, Lorraine T. James and Karen Y. Williams. Currently, we have two members who were elected nationally as Forever Top Ten Business Woman - Lorraine James in 2002 and Karen Williams in 2014. Karen Williams also was elected and served as our 2017-2018 District IV National Vice President. We were excited to have our very own Juanita Hall serve as a member of the nomination committee for the 2018-2019 National Executive Board candidates. The DC Charter Chapter is very proud of its special achievements. The Best is Yet to Come!!
ABWA Code of Conduct
1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women’s Association.
2. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission.
3. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness and in good faith.
4. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws.
5. Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests.
6. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members.
Chapter Meetings
The fourth Monday of every month
6:30 PM
1731 Bunker Hill Road NE
Washington, D.C. 20017
HSC Pediatric Center